Greater Manchester


Choosing a driving instructor

Choosing an Instructor
According to the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) there are 39,706 driving instructors in the UK (June 2019 ) area at the time of writing. Choosing the perfect one for you is a difficult task as you can hardly try all instructors.

It is best to try an instructor who is able to fit your availability, that bit is fairly obvious. What is less obvious is price, should you pay more or less per hour? Well, to be honest the answer is in the price, if an instructor is able to charge more this is a good sign that they have enough customers willing to pay more. On the other hand an instructor who is less successful would have to lower their prices to try to make their service seem more appealing. So with driving lessons you normally get what you pay for, but consider this, if you save £2 per hour but it takes you 10 hours longer to learn to drive, are you really saving money?

Asking people you know who have recently learnt to drive and reading online reviews is a reliable way of narrowing down your choice, people are rarely willing to recommend a service unless they are very happy with it.

Try calling the instructor, when you speak to someone – even over the phone, you can normally judge if you would feel comfortable sitting next to them. You can also get a good idea if they sound experienced and confident in their ability to help you. You want the best instructor for you so trust your senses and listen to how you feel about them.

PassMeQuick LTD.